Friday 25 March 2011

36 Textures and a video on stairs

All of these textures were drawn in Adobe Illustrator

This video really answers a lot of questions about making stairs more attractive. People forget how far or high they have to go when there is a novelty to distract them...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Sketchup 3D Render of Section

Another view...

Sketchup 3D Render of Section

Above Pair: Scale, Posterised

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings Flipped

Above Pair: Death, Human

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings Flipped

Above Pair: Posterised, Human
Below Pair: Rowing, Human 

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings Flipped

Above Pair: Rowing, Squat
Below Pair: Death, Squat 

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings Flipped

Above Pair: Death, Scale
Below Pair: Posterised, Squat

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings Flipped

Above Pair: Posterised, Scale
Below Pair: Scale, Rowing 

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings

Above Pair: Human, Death

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings

Above Pair: Human, Posterised
Below Pair: Human, Rowing 

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings

Above Pair: Squat, Rowing
Below Pair: Squat, Death 

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings

Above Pair: Scale, Death
Below Pair: Squat, Posterised 

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised

Concept Section Drawings

Above Pair: Scale, Posterised
Below Pair: Scale, Rowing

Artist 1 - MUECK
Noun > Human
Verb > Squat
Adjective > Scale

Artist 2 - BANKSEY
Noun > Death
Verbe > Rowing
Adjective > Posterised