Wednesday 15 June 2011

EXP:3 Exploring the Environment Video

Action Keys:
Gaga's Elevator = I
Gaga's Rotating Office: (rotate to the left) = K  (rotate to the right) = L
Oprah's Elevator = O

EXP3: Final Captures

Overlooking the American Alpine Mountains inspired by Oprah's and Gaga's now residence

Showing Gaga's office hanging from the rotating crystalline structure while looking back over the bridge and Oprah's office

Illumination of the tunnel at night offers guidance and direction from one office to the other

An under water view showing the floating table and two elevators meeting as one, notice the distortion of Oprah's office above

Gaga's hovering elevator

  Looking from the top level of Gaga's office over across the bridge and Oprah's office above

   Looking over across the signature structural elements that form Oprah's office

A night shot showing the intense red light illuminating Gaga's crystalline structure

EXP3: Files

This file contains the following:
- Levels Folder
- Objects Folder
- Sketchup Files
- 3DSMax Files

EXP3: The Offices

EXP3: The Bridge

EXP3: The Elevators

EXP3: Meeting Place and Dining Table

EXP3: 36 Textures

EXP3: 18 Perspectives / Mashup / Profile



Tuesday 26 April 2011

Final Crysis Level with Structure

The entire environment I created, the culmination of stone sand and vegitation

A view hovering over water, this captures the essence of the refined hypothesis that integrates the sense of a trapped mind surrounded by floating elements. 

Front on view

A view showing the two clients paths leading to the lab

Dense vegetation encompasses the lab providing it with privacy

Peaceful waterfall

Extruding from the landscape and hovering above the water the clients have all they need

An aesthetic view from within the lab

Starting point for Sigmund Freud, path leads to the other side of the lab

The starting point for Issac Newton, path leads up to the lab

Download the (Objects Folder) and (Levels Folder) click the links below:

Levels Folder Download Link

Objects Folder Download Link

10 Sketchup Models

The link to download this file is below:

Dowloald from Here 

Two 3D axo's in Crysis

Issac Newton
If it wasnt for apples, we would still be floating in space.

Issac Newton
If it wasnt for apples, we would still be floating in space.

Sigmund Freud
The mind is a prison.

Sigmund Freud
The mind is a prison.

This is the current stage of my Crysis map, I continue to add detail...

3 Textures Chosen for Model




 Final Model With Textures Applied

Electroliquid Aggregation

Not just physically joined but metaphorically joined, these prisms take on a new form and a new meaning when aggregation occurs. Seen here on paper and in 3D strong similarities can be drawn between the modified hypothesises.  

Maria Agnesi + Issac Newton
life is a part of a mathematical systems of opposing forces and attractions.

Sigmund Freud + Maria Agnesi 
Belief in the use of cocaine to heal a series of polygons.

Sigmund Freud + Issac Newton
The mind is a prison that traps floating apples.

6 Axo's

Issac Newton
If it wasnt for apples, we would still be floating in space.

Maria Agnesi 
Agnesi's life was part of a mathematical system of opposing differential and integral calculus.

Sigmund Freud
Freud believed in the use of cocaine to heal physical and mental illness.

Issac Newton
Every object has its own force of attraction.

Maria Agnesi 
Agnesi was made from a series of polygons.

Sigmund Freud
The mind is a prison.